Bishop DuBourg utilizes a platform called Helper-Helper for our Christian Service Hours. Helper-Helper
is a free app, downloaded from the app store for your particular phone (Apple, Android, or computer),
where the students receive communication about their Christian Service requirements and
opportunities. The app has multiple features, which allow students to know exactly where they stand.
- Section to show upcoming service opportunities
- Organizations where students may be able to volunteer
- Calendar to show the opportunities they have signed up to volunteer for
- Section to show their Stats and Goals
- A place to record their service hours
Students will have their own login (their school email address) and a password of their choosing.
Parents, if you want to see the app, you can ask your student for their school email address and the
password they chose for the app. Parents, notification of new service opportunities posted to Helper-
Helper will also be sent via Message Center.
Things to keep in mind when recording service hours:
- You must have a valid email address for the person/organization for which you are doing the
- service
- You must have a valid cell phone number for the person/organization for which you are doing
- the service
- Parents, you cannot be the person validating your student’s service hours
- Please be descriptive when recording what you did for your service