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The purpose of the Academy of Advanced Studies is to offer students an enhancement to the
rigorous program of academic studies. We want our students to realize that their talents are a
gift from God that need to be developed and used for others. The Academy of Advanced
Studies experience will provide additional challenge and support for students to achieve the
highest possible level of academic excellence.

Students will be accepted into the Academy of Advanced Studies during the incoming freshman
admissions process. Students who score 85% or above on standardized tests and/or who have
a B+ average will be considered as candidates for the academy. All eligible students will receive
an application for the academy. Final approval of all candidates will be determined by the
Academy of Advanced Studies Admissions’ Committee which is led by the Head of Academics.
Space in the program is limited for each grade level. Special circumstances will be evaluated by
the administration and the admissions committee. At the end of freshman year, eligible students
may receive an application for the academy, if space is available.

All Academy of Advanced Studies students must enroll in courses designed as honors,
advanced, or college credit. Our honors level courses move at a faster pace and require more
independent work. Honors courses are offered freshman and sophomore years in English,
Math, Science and Social Studies. The following honors courses are offered junior and senior
year and have a weighted grade point average: Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, Honors
Anatomy and Physiology, Honors American History, Honors Western Civilization, Pre-Calculus,
Calculus, Statistics, Honors English III and IV, Public Speaking, Honors Spanish III and IV,
Honors French III and IV, and Advanced Art Studies IV. Students in the Academy of Advanced
Studies must take at least 18 of these designated courses.

Advanced College Credit Courses are offered through Saint Louis University and the University
of Missouri - St. Louis Advanced College Credit Courses are available in English, math, social
studies, French and Spanish. Students must dually enroll in the Bishop DuBourg course and the
university course to earn college credit. A separate fee must be made payable to the
universities to earn college credit.

In addition to coursework, Academy of Advanced Studies students will design and implement a
Problem-Based Learning or Action Research Project. A wide range of topics will be available,
and Academy students will have the opportunity to suggest their own research topics for faculty
approval. This year-long project will challenge students to deeply inquire into a topic, think
critically and produce original analysis. Students may work independently or create a small
group with other Academy students. While some in-school time will be provided, students will
need to work on the project outside of class as well. The projects will culminate in a spring
Academy of Advanced Studies Presentation Day.

Academy of Advanced Studies members will have access to enhanced College and Career
Readiness information and opportunities as well as Academy-only field trips, both academic and
college/career focused.

In order to maintain membership in the Academy of Advanced Studies, students must also
exemplify hard work and responsibility, demonstrate leadership and respect for others, maintain
a 90% attendance rate, successfully complete the research project/presentation and maintain at
least a 3.25 G.P.A. Academy members who are unable to fulfill these requirements will have a
probationary period and be offered support in order to meet the requirements of continued
Academy membership.

Students who transfer to Bishop DuBourg High School may be eligible for the Academy of
Advanced Studies. These students must apply for the program and the admissions committee
will evaluate their transcript to determine eligibility.

The Academy of Advanced Studies challenged me academically with its rigorous course load. Because I was able to take so many classes for college credit, I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in 2.5 years, saving me time and money.
-Molly Roeder '19